Friday, September 9, 2011

Mission letter 9

August 1st-8th
Week 7 in field

hey everyone!

man another week went by and i cant believe that im writing you guys again. mother dearest: thank you for putting my letters on my blog and updating people to receive the emails. im sure dave will know how to update pictures so he will show you. to answer your question anyone who is family can email me and i can email them back. for friends i can recieve an email but thats only to get their address or something i cant email them back, i hope that makes sense.
   ok this week has been much better, seems like the trials in life only prepare us for the things that are coming up in our lives down the road. so transfers were last week and i told you that i wasnt getting transferred. that was a lie. well not really a  lie because i didnt know i was lying yet. let me explain, so the saturday before transfer week we get a phone call telling us if we're staying or going. we got the call and we were told "your both staying". all was well in my world because Elder Holmes is a stud and i want to serve with him as long as possible. but one of our district members (Elder Anderson) was being transferred to a different area. which sucked because i really liked Elder Anderson. so the day before transfers we get a call from the assistants. they told us that Elder Anderson's comp Elder Faust (yes he is related to the Apostle) was being dropped off at our apt. . . . . to become our NEW COMPANION! WHAT?!?! yeah you read that right i am now part of a trio and we were told that we are now covering both areas, which includes both wards during sunday. so yeah that threw us for a loop and i love Elder Faust but we're just totally confused on how we are going to make this work. but you know what a lot of prayer and trust in God goes a long ways. yesterday (07 of Aug.)
   we had church from 8 a.m - 4:30 pm and it was fast sunday. as missionaries, and any return missionary can relate  to this, thats a LONG time to not eat and try to be all there for the members. i loved getting to share my testimony twice though. i made a promise to myself that i will bear my testimony every fast sunday for the rest of my mission (life). man its crazy and were doing so much more cordinating and planning but i know this will make me be a better missionary. i cant wait to get started teaching everyone in the other area. were back up to 4 baptismal dates between the two areas. and i love the investigators that ive already met.
   so we came up with another slogan for our district. "we do hard in the big nasty". yeah i know were thug. you have to be down in the south or they eat you up and spit you out, but seriously we made a decision that no matter how hard this transfer is we will continue to keep working. and i will continue to "do hard" until i can say that i have suffered everyday for my savior. to represent him in everything i do. to stand as a witness that jesus is the christ that he loves all of us and he has made a way to get back to our father in heaven and live with them in glory and eternal happiness.
    the scripture i really loved this week is Alma 26:11,12. i will "boast of my God"  anyone who is reading this letter, please take a moment in your busy lives to read what this scripture says. this scripture explains how i feel. it will let you know that i am ok. that i know why im here and what i plan on continuing to do for the rest of my life. its on the list of all time favs. i have to go but i love you all. thank you for the prayers they mean so much and i know that they help.

untill next time,

Elder Linn (a son of thunder)

"God is my Salvation; I will trust and not be afraid"

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