Friday, September 9, 2011

Mission letter 2

June 6th-13th
Week 2 of MTC

ok well this week has gone by so fast. studying and working hard. nothing much to report. im trying to think of things that i havent told you yet. um i hope you got my letter that i sent. if you or mom could reasd that for my update in sacrament meeting that would be great. and i hope everything is going well. im sorry to here that you didnt get the Mt. Hood Job. how is everyone? chance, angie, ron, chelsea and ellie? getting letters is like the best thing ever. i focus on the work but its nice to read from friends and family. i dont know how many people you have reading this but i would love if you could figure out a way to get daniel Bybee's and aarons, sauls, etc email so they could write me and they could get my emails. i just realize the gift that i havent shared and i wanna make uop for lost time. ok time for the spiritual things this week. so 3 big things. 1 my companion is beginning to focus and we taught an amazing lesson to an investigator. it was a real testimant that we teach people not lessons. i had to stop myself becasue the spirit said, stop and ask her how she feels. i had just told her joseph smiths account of the first vision (having it memorized and speaking slowely brings the spirit so well!!) so i was about to go into the book of mormom when i got the impression to ask her how she felt. she began to cry and said she couldnt describe how she felt. i told her that good feeling she was having that calm and peace was the holy ghost telling her that the things we were teaching were true. i bagan to cry and i said "the lord wants me to tell you that he loves you, that he has been waiting with open arms and that he is ready to pour out his blessings apon you. he knows you personally, and he wants you to feel this love that he has for you forever". that was the first time i promised something from god through insperation. what a powerful thing the spirit is. i pray and work so i can always have that power and authority. second. one of my district leaders interviewed me and we talked about my companion and the struggles he is having and he told me how much i have matured even in these 12 days (or whatever it is). i know i have my companion for a reason that it is just another lesson that i am learning and i love him so in the end i just pray that i can be an example to him and help him. so anyways we had the interview and then we had district lesson. (it seems that the spirit is always so strong when we meet to gether as a district). so we start with I Stand All Amazed which of course makes me almost cry. after the prayer i get up to turn the fan down and the district leader Bro. Merril says "elder linn, would you please bear your testimony". i was like ok... caught me off gaurd but yes. as i was bearing my testimony i thought of the second verse of that song "a soul so rebelious and proud as mine" my testimony centered around that and the atonement and our job to spread the gospel and how we have been called and chosen as witnesses of his love. it is safe to say that i was crying  by the end along with other member of the district. Bro. Merril later said that he got the impression to ask me and i am so glad he listend to that still small voice. i know that this gospel is true. i know that i have been chosen to be the losds repesentative to bring the joy i feel to everyone i meet and i am so glad i get to wear his name on my chest. im out of time so i just wanna say i love you and that you are always in my prayers and i hope that i will remain in yours. love you all!!!!

elder linn
"God is my salvation i will trust and not be afraid"

oh i leave on the 20th so plan accordingly

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