Friday, September 9, 2011

Mission letter 3

June 13-June 27th
Week 3 MTC, week 1 in field

Dear Familia and Friends!

 tanakie (thats hello in catawba Indian). so turns out that im not even in North Carolina during my first few months in the field. Im in South Carolina on the Catawba Indian Reservation, no there are not any T.P's or log cabins. they do have trailer homes though. dad the pottery is beautiful and one of the ward mission leaders is a master potter and he said he is gonna help me make some and give me a piece to send you. it really is beautiful work. so for the next three months ill be serving with the descendants of the lamanites how cool is that! im already talkin southern. over yonder, mam, sir and the like. the first time i spoke southern i was talking about corn and i said " i love puttin butta with some salt and peppa" yeah i said peppa. i was shocked. my comp even looked back and said "did you really just say that". so im learning the language. now all i need to do is mumble more and slur my words. there really is a different language down here. the first 4 or 5 meals i had with members was spagetti. yeah. i was wondering where the heck i was cause everyone was serving me italian food. cracked me up. so yeah im in north carolina and the people are awesome (ill talk about investigators soon) i already love those that i get to serve everyday. the weather is nuts! its in the 90's with 90% humidity. i sweat like a pig!!! really though its rediculous how much i sweat. but i love it. no complaints here just smiles. but i would LOVE if there was anyway to send me my camelpack..... it would be the perfect backpack and it would give me enough water to get through the day.
  ok so my companion/trainer is the most awesome sud ever! seriously he is so great and im already learning alot from him. his name is Elder Holmes. he has such a desire to serve that it keeps me going when its the middle of the day and i feel like im gonna die. he helps me alot and he said that with the way im already teaching ill most likely be training in 3 months. he has alot of faith in me which is also an awesome  thing. we follow the rules with exactness and im already seeing the miracles it can bring to me during my mission. the mission president is also great. i can tell he is called of god and that he knows what hes doing. really a great pres. and im excited to work with him. he is only here for one more year though so ill get a new president when i get out a year. i love the area i love the people i love the president, and i love my companion.
   so the investigators we have right now. there is alot of less actives in the area so its alot more reactivation than finding. we still tract but its different than most people think when they think of missionary work. there was 3 people preparing for baptism before i got in the area now there is 4! yeah my first week i commited a young man (his name is shawn) to be baptized and he said yes!!!! he was so excited that we met with him and he is a great investigator. the spirit just told me that i should commit him and so i followed that prompting. so now were preparing for 4 baptisms in july! its amazing how the gospel blesses people and i get to witness that change in them. i know why im out here and i am so blessed to get to wear Christs name on my chest everyday. i love each and every one of you reading this letter and i pray for all of you. dad i got this strange feeling that your gonna be in a church leadership position... so i dont know but it keeps popping up in  my head that your gonna be called to something soon. i really do love this work and i can see the spirit blessing my life each and every moment.
 a side note: mother (or father) the missionary blog that i set up i cant actually update so i will need one of you to do it. please put that the area im currently serving "south carolina catawba indian reservation" my new companion "elder holmes" (his first name isnt sherlock i checked) and that i have 4 people preparing for baptism. ill send pictures next time to put on the site and there is a way to put all the letters on there as well maybe see if chance can help you.
  anyways i love you and i cant wait to write to you again next week. untill then keep the missionaries in your prayers. the names of my maine investigators are chucketa, alex, randy, shawn, austin, justin, ken. if you could keep them in your prayers i know itll help. the power of prayer is so true and it is real. i can testify of that. i love this gospel i love this work and i love all of you. thank you for the support and love you've all given me.

love the lords servant
Elder Linn

"God is my Salvation; i will trust and not be afraid"

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