Friday, September 9, 2011

Mission letter 11

Aug 15th -22nd
Week 9 in field

man another week come and gone and the weekly letter is here

hey everyone i cannot believe that this week is already over. feels like yesterday that i was writing you. everything here is going great. there are always struggles and challenges but over all i cant complain. i miss you all alot but I'm glad that I'm here. I'm glad i get to serve and preach the gospel to the people in South Carolina. I'm trying to gather my thoughts on what i want to write in this letter
   well not alot has happened. we have done alot of service this week. we helped a tattoo artist by the name of fat Fred sand down his car and paint it again. that was legit. I've never done that before so that was a neat experience. then we helped a lady named chucketta (she is the one we helped quit smoking) paint her ceilings and wash her walls. the difference between the painted and unpainted parts are remarkable. the house is coming together so nicely though it sure does make a difference and she and her granddaughter are very thankful. then we helped a new investigator named Katie with some yard work. she had us planting trees and trimming the grass. she then asked if any of us had any experience in plumbing. i nervously said yeah i can perform minor surgeries but anything that i KNOW i cant fix i wont touch because i don't want to be liable. so she calls me over to her water spicket on the side of her trailer. she turns it on and water shoots out everywhere. i was like what in the heck?! but after closer examination i discovered that the screw that holds in the handle deal thingy was missing so i got on my hands and knees and looked for the dang thing. and of course i found it, tried to put it back in and guess what the screw was stripped so i was like OK ill just hold the screw in and see what happens. water continued to spray out of everywhere but the nozzle. so i decided to take it apart and i found the problem the pressure valve thing (controls how much water is released out of the pipe) was busted. i said, "Katie if you want me to perform the surgery i need you to get me the right tools. so i had to crawl under her trailer home, turn the water main off then go disconnect the spicket from the main water pipe. then she had to get the part and then i had to put everything back together and wash my hands with the new and improved water spicket. i guess the tech. term for it is water Bib but i think that sounds dumb. after all the service we asked if we could teach a lesson and she said yes. she even came to church. it was awesome. so if at first they don't want to hear about the church show them what we believe. hearts are softened when they know that we don't just talk of Christ but act accordingly.
    the trio will be together till at least the 14th of Sept. and we are taking it very seriously. we are actually teaching about 5 or 6 lessons more a week since we started teaching together and we have 2 more baptismal dates! so that's great too. i become senior companion next week till the end of the transfer which is exciting. it doesn't really mean a ton because its part of my training but i am excited to be given more responsibility so i can continue to learn and grow.
   i love you all. i know this gospel is true and that god does have a plan for everyone. i know that as we apply the atonement in our lives we can move on from past sins and try to come closer to the savior. we are all perfect in Christ. i know that i am in this mission for a reason that the Elders i get to serve with are here to help me and i love the opportunities that i get to serve with them. all things denote the hand of god and i don't know where i would be without that knowledge. i love you all, i love this gospel and i know that it is the same gospel that Christ established to help us prepare to live with our father in heaven again. i have to go do the mundane shopping and apartment cleaning now but you are in my prayers and i thank you for keeping me in yours, i feel the blessings everyday
Elder Linn
God is my Salvation; I will trust and not be afraid

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