Friday, September 9, 2011

Mission letter 6

July 11th-18th
Week 4 in field


i cant belive that another week has already gone by! crazyness. this letter will be shorter sorry but its been alot of finding this week, because our teaching pool is drying up. ill start by answering/responding to mail. dad i do remember the art walk. thats great that it went well. i didnt know that you were going to pick up angie, why? the pottery thing thats ok just send it when you can, ill be here for at least another transfer ( 6 weeks) but send it to my address not the mission home. all mail (this includes everyone!!!) send to the mission home. it might take a day or two more to get to me but if i were to get transfered without notice i wouldn't want my mail being sent to an old area. missionaries aren't the best at forwarding mail to other missionaries. dad i sent the e-mail with the new mission home address so forward that to everyone that might need it please! thanks. all packages however must be sent to the address that im living. its all in the e-mail if you check it out it should make sense.
so this week like i said wasn't to exciting just alot of faith finding (tracting is a dirty word that we're trying to get rid of in our mission). faith finding involves being lead by the spirit and as we do that i can tell that we have more success. so one of our baptismal canidates fed us the other night. he is struggling with some things and he has lost all his old friends because he is trying to live a better life so its hard on him. but randy is still progressing and its awesome to see. but please keep him in your prayers. the rest of our investigators are doing well. i have a baptism this sat!!!! so stoked for it. ricky is super excited too. our other investigators and baptismal canidates are doing well they all have personal struggles but they see the blessings that come from following the commandments we teach them. which is such a testimony builder for me. i cant tell you how much my testimony of the power of the holy ghost in conversion has grown. my testimony in general is tried everyday but i know that as i endure it well it is strengthend and God makes up the difference that my burden may be light.
funny story. were eating at a members house and his 7 yr old son is all hyper and he starts talking about the girl at school he likes. he says they're dating and he starts laughing and then he says "but im cheatin on my woman" and elder holmes and i just start bustin up, the boy continues "yeah im a playa" i was crying i was laughing so hard. he didnt even say "playER" it was "playA". he named off the other 7 yr olds he was dating and i just thought to myself "was i like that?" ha we all had a laugh over that for a good 20 min. kids say the darnest things.
well thats the letter. i have to go now but please keep my investigators in your prayers i know it helps and god hears and answers prayers. the 6 were really working with are Ken, Randy, Ricky, the Raban FAmily, Jamie, and Alden. they're all amazing and i know that it will help. thank you for your suppport your love and everything each and everyone of you reading this for what you have done in my life. i am who i am because of your examples in my life. the gospel is true. the book is blue. and im a mormon through and through. (id thought id go off in style, because thats just who i am)

Love the Lord's Servant,
Elder Linn
"God is my Salvation; I will trust and not be afraid"

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