Friday, September 9, 2011

Mission letter 4

June 27th-July 5th
Week 2 in field

Dear Familia and Friends,

this has been an awesome week and i cant wait to tell you all about it. to begin i'll answer questions that some of you might be having. my Prep-day is on mondays. i can recieve e-mails from anyone however i can only write emails to family (includes extended family). so if anyone wants to email make sure to put our address down so i can write you back. second mother i cant think of anythings i need at the moment besides the stamps, camelback and anything else i said i needed in prior letters but cant remember at the moment. dad the pottery is awesome here and Larry ( ward mission leader, we have to call members by their first names because everyone on the reservation is related and its too confusing) would love a piece and he is giving me one to send to you! so they dont use a wheel and they do the fast firings in the ground i cant remember right now what thats called but it ends when they put the pots in a metal trash can. its beautiful work. i didnt know you wanted to serve with some wild indian's,  that's way cool though and they are super awesome. they believe so powerfully in the priesthood. makes me think of what a powerful tool it is in my life
    ok now for the weekly update. so ill start off with the funny story and then onto the spiritual experieces. so my companion Elder Holmes pointed to a plane the other day and asked "elder how far away do you think that plane is?" i answered "about a mile an a half i dont know for sure" he replied "looks about 23 months away to me". i just started bustin up. but then i realized ive already been out for a month! time is already flying anmd i just started my mission, and everyone is telling me time will only go by faster. so i just remember to lose myself in the work and the trials and hard times will be but a moment. ok so sad news this week, the investigator that i commited to be baptized... moved. sad day. he found a job and took the offer so now he is meeting with other missionaries i mean as long as he is baptized im happy but it was my first investigator so i was alittle disapointed. and yesterday we had to drop 2 baptisimal canidates (they're brothers) because they arent coming to church. but they want to be baptized so as soon as we get them to church they willl be back on the list. but i have 2 incredible stories that made the week. the first is a new investigator, his name is ricky he is 11 and after the first lesson commited to be baptized! the other day he asked " can you guys teach me from 6:30 am to 9:30 pm so i can get baptized asap?" i was shocked. a young boy wanted so badly to be close to god that he asked us to be taught that much. we of course said we couldnt but we did move his date from Aug. 13th to July 30th. he is a great kid and an example to me that we all need to have that intense desire to come closer to Christ and always strive to be the best we can be. i read a talk this morning its "the Atonement by cleon skousen" i encourage all that read this letter to look it up and read it. you will see the atonement in a whole new light and it means so much more to me now. it really is an amazing talk. its got some deep doctrine but so so good. the second incredible story is about our investigator Randy beck on friday the 2nd he called us multiple times about the miracles that were occuring that day. the first time he called it was after he read about nephi killing laban to get the plates. he LOVED that story. he then told us the news, after 2 yrs of looking for work a company called him and he starts today (the 5th of july)!!!!! i stood up with both fists in the air. as missionaries we pray for these individuals to see the miracles in their lives as they exercise faith. we have been praying for randy a ton because the struggles he has come from his having nothing to do during the day. but now that he is busy and exercising his faith he is being blessed. then he calls back later and tells us that an animal lover that has been helping him with his dog and 6 puppies (she is an amazing woman) brought over more dog food. she has already taken care of all the shots for the 7 dogs built a bigger kennal and given him food, all for free i might add. so she is a HUGE BLESSING in his life and he sees that. he called again later and said she came back over with good news... she found a home for all the puppies! his truck was fixed (for free) just blessing upon blessing and he was realizing this. we need but exercise a particle of faith and the lord reigns down blessings that we dont have room enough to recieve them. randy was realizing this and he is so much more willing and wants to be better. it was a testimony builder to me that the lord will help our weak things become strong. i know that im out here for a reason to meet specific people and that the lord will provide a way. i love you all and i hope that you all know that. i have run out of time and have to go but know that i have a testimony that will not be shaken. untill next week take goo care of yalls selfs ya hear!

Love Elder Linn "i will trust and not be afraid"

P.s can you ask president craft if i can get his talks on the atonement the medical one and the one he gave at the ysa thing? thanks!!!!

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