Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saying Goodbye

This is one of my ward mission leaders, Larry "stick" Brown. He is a master potter and I was lucky enough to be given a piece before I left.

These are the Osborn's. They took Elder Holmes and I in, treated us like family. They are an awesome family

This man here is Ken Wurdaman. A great man who can quote any scripture and answer any doctrinal question. Brilliant and I learned a lot from him

Chucketta (yes like the banana), she was one of my favorite investigators.

Pete Smith. He was our ward mission leader and a great member. He and his wife did a lot for us.
The Elders and me before I headed off for the airport. It was a weird feeling, I was sad to leave but I loved my Brothers and I knew that I was starting on a new path, a better path that would lead me to a happier, better life.

My Second Area (Trio days)

The Elders of my first district. Myself, Elder Faust, Elder Holmes, and Elder Anderson. My Second Transfer Elder Anderson became our zone leader and Elder Faust joined Elder Holmes and I making us a trio. Shear discombobulation is an understatement. I don't even know if that was a real word but it is now

We still have no idea what we're going to do as a trio covering 2 areas.... Elder Faust and I look to our fearless leader who shrinks behind his Restoration pamphlet.

This is what the sky would look like right before a thunderstorm. Best thunderstorms I've ever been in were in South Carolina, hands down. This Picture does no justice to how incredible these moments were

This was about half way through the transfer after we had started to figure things out. It is a lot easier to smile when you half a game plan

And just because I know how worried everyone is that missionaries are all business and no fun, check it out, Sons of Thunder doing what we do best. Lookin good and serving in the Big Nasty

This was an investigator, he was a tattoo artist by the name "Fat Fred". Way legit, this was taken after we worked on that beater car. We're flashing our official gang sign "the bird"

After the day was done we took a picture of the gang. We're legit don't even worry about letting us know

One of the delicacies of the south. Scrambled eggs and pig brains. YUM!

I found this spider when I was walking up the stairs in our other apt. We put the Zippo lighter next to it for a size comparison. So what did we do...? Scroll down and see

We burnt it. Thats what we did with it. That spider was filthy, absolutely filthy

My First Area (Rockhill, South Carolina Catawba Indian Reservation)

Yes, that is a spaceship on someone's front lawn. Why you might ask? The Question is why not?

 This was a typical meal Elder Holmes and I would make. I present the best breakfast for dinner you can get on a mission. German pancakes, sausage and cheese omelet, and bacon, all smothered in hot syrup.  Jealousy is understandable and if its making you drool stop looking
My first real companion= Elder Holmes. He is a spiritual stud to say the least

We actually watched this monster catch that Grasshopper that its sucking on in the picture. By far the biggest spider I've ever seen. Ever.

Here is another one. They're nicknamed "writing spiders" and they are wicked fast and down right nasty. Think about waking up with this crawling over your face.

FIRST BAPTISM!!! Ricky Wayne Hines on 07/14/2011. This was THEE greatest moment on my mission

Elder Holmes decided to start watching what he ate so this was his last indulgence. Good choice if you ask me.

I came out after my shower that night and this is what I found. We had a good laugh about it. Some things in life you just can't live without. Oreo cookies is one of them.

And this is what happens to suit pants after getting your car outta the mud after a thunderstorm. Ten dollars later I could wear the suit again. My shoes still have dirt on them after this, even after 2 cleanings and polishings

The first days of my Mission

The Mission Home on a beautiful summer day in North Carolina

Elder Jones was my companion for the day before I was assigned to my actual area. He introduced me to a soda that is found only in the south, its called Cheer Wine. If I had to relate it to something it would be kinda like Dr. Pepper but not as wonderful. But it was delicious, especially after biking all day

I guess this picture is a mission tradition. Every new Elder is photographed enjoying his first refreshing, ice cold, Cheer Wine after a hard days work

The Elders I stayed with the night before my first transfer thought it would be clever to make a breakfast that included green eggs because I was a "greenie"  guess how much I loved being the new guy....

And this is me right before leaving to my first transfer. Oh man, I might not look it but I'm scared out my mind right now!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Elders in my MTC District

The Elders from left to right
Elder Turner, Elder Morrison, Elder Christianson, Myself, Elder Carter,  Elder Mumford, 
Elder Fullmer

The Sisters in the district from left to right
Sis. Elliff, Sis Brooksby, Sis. Slaughter, Sis. Gibson

My District outside the Provo Temple

The Elders holding up our fearless district leader Elder Carter

 Roommates Elder Fullmer, Elder Christianson, and Elder Sellers my companion

The Elders and I in my room became big eaters and having Elder Fullmer's mother  send us packages like this didn't help...

These were the Elders and Sisters in my district that went to North Carolina, Charlotte Mission with me. Time to do some baptizing

My MTC teacher Sis. Fraley, her Eggo was major Prego 

My MTC district and teachers before we shipped out to the field

My other MTC teacher Bro. Shumway

The Elders and I playing "A Gentleman's Game", ask me to explain it sometime best game ever invented

Elder Nii, my second week and I was already training. He will be an awesome missionary

This is what happens when 4 missionaries cant sleep and get really thirsty the day before leaving our MTC home...

Some pictures before the mission

The three Amigos pre-mission Elders Craft, Linn, and Brady          

Some last minute study before going through those MTC gates

Ellie and I making funny faces, just because we can

And because we were both up early that morning we both started to crash me more than her

The Fam and I across the street from the MTC minutes before I enter