Friday, September 9, 2011

Mission letter 7

July 18th-25th
Week 5 in field

Weekly Letter Time!,

well i hadnt received a letter from dad this week so mother its up to you to send it out this time. one quick concern/question im telling people to post on my FAcebook page their addresses to get the weekly letter so if you could check that to make sure you have everyone that would be awesome. thank you so much!. the work is going well and thank you so much for the package! the camelback is just what i needed the heat index for the last week didnt fall below 100 degrees. and there is supposed to be a heat wave this week! yeah i might die. i drink on average 2 gallons a day i think and most of it i just sweat out. so thank you for the pack and all the goodies. elder holmes is mad though because he is starting a diet and sunday night (the 24th) was his last day to eat what he wanted so there are pictures of him stuffing his face full of Oreo's and hiding them while is is crouched on the floor. he is a great companion and we get along great. no complaints for me i hope i get to be with him for the rest of the time he is out here. that would be awesome! so the pictures of the spiders... yeah those things are HUGE! !!! no lie those pictures dont do those things justice. but thats a taste of the smaller wildlife i get to deal with during the summer months in South Carolina. no complaints but i would hate for one of those to crawl across my face as i slept. and pictures of my desk and part of my apartment. but enough talk of less than important things, time for the weekly report.
    so a few things hapened this week. first we had to move one of our baptismal dates back because he isnt progressing like he should and we wanna make sure he is ready. i mean i get why we did it, the spirit told us that it was the thing to do but it still is sad when you see the devil working so hard on them to not feel the spirit. he is doing well and hoefully he will be prepared by his date Aug. the 13th. its crazy how much you care for investigators of the church. i pray so much for guidance on how to help them, and what i can do to be a better tool in the lords hands.
    some good news/ turned out to be bad. another investigator (jamie) with a B-date quit dipping! yeah we taught him this program and he got up found all his cans and handed them over, right then and there. i was so proud of him. but.... for his birthday a friend gave him 5 cans without knowing he was trying to quit and he gave in after 4 days without dipping once. i just wanted to say "GET THEE HENCE SATAN!!!" but were gonna keep working with him. if god gave up on us if we messed up once where would we be. and  as representatives of christ its our job to continue working with him. i already love working and teaching him and i think he is one of those that i am supposed to teach on my mission. never give up. and for the final news of the week...
    my first baptism happened 07-23-2011!!!!! yeah buddy the picture is of Ricky who is 11 and he even asked me to baptize him. what an honor and blessing it was to go into the water with him and help him recieve the blessing of baptism. what a testimony builder it was for me. i was so thankful that i had that oppertunity. and we have 3 more coming up in the coming month. i might not be the baptizer but just knowing that we helped someone get that much closer to their heavenly father is the fruits of our labors being harvested. i love my job!
    i love you. each and everyone of you reading this e-mail. you have all no doubt been apart of my life in one role or another and i want to thank you. mom i love you. you never gave up on me and even if we butted heads you remained a loving mother to which i could always rely. for this i am eternally grateful. dad you had my back even when i felt no one else did. i could count on you being in my corner every time. to pick me up when i was at the lowest parts of my life. thank you for being a rock in my foundation. thank you both for being the example of the parents i should be for my children (that day isnt for a LONG time) but thank you. i love you both. tell everyone in the fam that i love em too. tell the ward family hi and that im doing well. i miss em all. untill next time,

Love The Lord's Servant,
Elder Ethan M. Linn

"God is my Salvation; I will trust and not be afraid" - 2 Nephi 22:1-4

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