Friday, September 9, 2011

Mission letter 1

June 1st-6th
Week 1 MTC


ok so this first week is soo soo amazing. i love every minute and i cant wait to continue to serve the lord. i only have 30 min to write in the MTC a week so untill i get into the feild these emails will mostly likely be every short. but anyways highlights of the first week: 1. i had to commit my teacher to be baptized in a role play after i had a moment of pride (imagine that me having a moment of pride) i said "bring it i can teach anyone". she heard me. so i had to commit her in front of my entire district. AND SHE SAID NO. so i had to really work with her and after a few moments the spirit totally took over. i was speaking, it was my thoughts but the spirit took over and i felt the power that you can recieve from using his help. afterwards it was like coming back to reality. so crazy but everyone said i did  a great job and even the teacher talked to me and said i did great. there were things i couuld work on but overall i just let the spirit help me with the things i couldnt do myself. such a great experience. so my district. there is 12 of us. 7 are going to north carolina and the others are going to minnesota. we have 4 sister missionaries and they are such a blessing in our district.  i truly believe they bring such an amazing spirit with them. also they make us more mature which lets afce it is also a blessing. my comp. is elder sellers from houston texas and he is a great guy. he struggles and this is a hard thing for him but he always makes me wanna work harder and be a great example. speaking of companions. IM SENIOR COMPANION! 2nd day and i was called as the senior companion which i think is another blessing because i get to really work on leadership and setting a good example to my comp. but others in a district. the first few days were rough. not because it was too hard. just a huge adjustment and the days seemed to go on forever. but everyone told me get to sunday and everything will be ok. its true. i have come to love studying and it has helped my testimony grow so much even in these first few days here. today i was able to go to the temple with my district.  wow. never have i felt the spirit so strongly in my life. after the endowment i was able to go into the celestrial room and the spirit totally consumed my being. i just began to cry. i sat and prayed and the calm that you feel when the spirit is present was with me. i couldnt stop weeping and the truthfulness and of the atonement hit me with such force i couldnt stop praying, thanking christ for the sacrifice that he made so i can return to live with him again. i bear testimony that the savior suffered for us that we may become like him and be cleansed of all our sin. i have grown closer to my father in heaven and my brother jesus christ more in these last few days than i have in the entirety of my life. this is truly his work and i want to share these feelings of peace and love with everyone i can because who wouldnt want to feel their saviors love everyday they wake up till they fall asleep at night, knowing that tomorrow is another blessing from him. i dont have much time (i suck at typing speed) so i wanna close saying that i love my father in heaven. i love my savior and brother. i love my family. thank you all for what you have done, the support that all of you have given me. i am truly thankful that i have you all. remember that people everywhere are waiting for the truth and we need only to out stretch forth our hand and help them come unto christ. thank you to all my friends and the support that you have given me as well. till next week

Elder Linn

2 Nephi 22:1-4 (favorite scripture) "I will Trust and not be afraid" 

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