Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Second Area (Trio days)

The Elders of my first district. Myself, Elder Faust, Elder Holmes, and Elder Anderson. My Second Transfer Elder Anderson became our zone leader and Elder Faust joined Elder Holmes and I making us a trio. Shear discombobulation is an understatement. I don't even know if that was a real word but it is now

We still have no idea what we're going to do as a trio covering 2 areas.... Elder Faust and I look to our fearless leader who shrinks behind his Restoration pamphlet.

This is what the sky would look like right before a thunderstorm. Best thunderstorms I've ever been in were in South Carolina, hands down. This Picture does no justice to how incredible these moments were

This was about half way through the transfer after we had started to figure things out. It is a lot easier to smile when you half a game plan

And just because I know how worried everyone is that missionaries are all business and no fun, check it out, Sons of Thunder doing what we do best. Lookin good and serving in the Big Nasty

This was an investigator, he was a tattoo artist by the name "Fat Fred". Way legit, this was taken after we worked on that beater car. We're flashing our official gang sign "the bird"

After the day was done we took a picture of the gang. We're legit don't even worry about letting us know

One of the delicacies of the south. Scrambled eggs and pig brains. YUM!

I found this spider when I was walking up the stairs in our other apt. We put the Zippo lighter next to it for a size comparison. So what did we do...? Scroll down and see

We burnt it. Thats what we did with it. That spider was filthy, absolutely filthy

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