Friday, September 9, 2011

Mission letter 10

August 8th-15th
Week 8 in field


I don't have much time this week so I'm gonna have to make this fast. i put 4 pictures on this email hopefully you ll get them all. so the first is one with me covered in dirt. that's from getting our car out of the mud in a storm it was UN-legit. (legit will be used alot now because that is the word the trio is all saying) so anyways it was crazy and i had to push the car up a hill out of the mud. I am legit. but it was hilarious and it took $10 worth of dry cleaning to save my suit. that sucked. the second is of the storm clouds we have been getting just about everyday here. the thunderstorms are incredible and i wish you could see these super storms in person but hopefully the cloud will do for now. also i would never call myself a photographer so sorry about the quality. the next picture is of the sons of thunder (our District/ trio). the elder on the left is Elder Faust, then me, then Elder Holmes. the next picture is what we act like on P-Days..... yeah i know we're still young men give us a break ha. but i love being in a trio. i think i have laughed more in these last two days than i have in my entire life. and that's saying something because if you know me you know i laugh...alot...all the time. so i hope that last picture puts a smile on y'alls faces.
   but lets get down to the business of the week. I'll tell you the good news first. Remember the investigator who i had invited to be baptized but he moved away. well he is back!!!! and he has a baptismal date for the 3rd of Sept!!!!! that made my week! other great things have happened but that definitely topped them all. OK so a few funny moments this week. mostly has to do with people telling us weird things. the first is a perfect example of some of the weird things that happen on the Reservation. so we were going to see a less active and her non-member husband who has stage 4 cancer. but thats not the story the story involves one of their neighbors. so were going to their house and this Indian lady pokes her head out the window and says "I'm doin crack and worshippin satan!" she then slams the window closed. we all look at each other and just bust up and Elder Holmes says "we love you too" i lost it i was crying when we knocked on this families door. then we were at an investigators house and we were talking to her and then her brother says something (i couldn't really hear what he said) and she replies with a "shut up or ima punch you in your nappy head" what?!?! we teach a bunch of crazies! haha the best story for last. we're back in some trailer houses and these all look so run down its gnarly but anyways we walk  up to someones door and they had built a porch type deal. one of the boards was rotted and really bouncing, you know how wood gets when its old and rotted so anyways i say to the guys "watch out for this one dont want you to fall through" we all chuckle and i go to knock the door. as the door opens i hear a Crack/snapping noise and i turn around to see Elder holmes with one leg through this ladies porch!!!! i couldn't even talk to this person i was laughing so hard. i was crying as i asked if she had some time and she blew us off but as all this is going on Elder Holmes is trying to slowly remove his leg from underneath the porch. i laughed for a good 15 min or so. man we have had some hilarious times this week but its been really spiritual as well. we taught 22 lessons which is the most ive ever taught so far in a week! even though were still trying to figure out how to get both areas covered efficiently.the work is continuing to push me physically and spiritually but i know the lord will bless me for the service i am doing. thank you all for the notes you left me that was a great suprise and i hope that can happen again soon! i gotta go now but i love you and i cant wait to read more emails next week!

Elder Linn, a Son of thunder
"All things denote the hand of God" -Bishop Osborn

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