Friday, September 9, 2011

Mission letter 5

July 5th- July 11th
Week 3 in field

hi yall's its time for the weekly letta already!,

so i finally got the pictures to work so i put a couple on here. the first is of my companion Elder Holmes.i love serving with that man and he is truly a blessing in my life right now. the second is of my MTC District, they're all awesome and they're going to be awesome missionaries. the third picture just shows that even though were elders we still know how to have fun (and make a man in a suit look good). the 4th is pictures of the elders i roomed with. i grew closer with these elders than most people i have ever come in contact with and i didnt even know their first names. the one in the stripped black and white shirt was my comp in the MTC. he turned out to be a great missionary and i love them all to death. the next picture is of us pointing to our mission, classic missionary picture. the next picture is me standing next to a spaceship in someones front yard in south carolina (we still dont know how it got there, or why someone has one just chillin on their lawn). and the last picture is one of the meals Elder Holmes and i made for ourselves it included german pancakes, bacon, eggs with italian sausage, and a tall glass of milk. speaking of food we have a dinner appointment every night of the week. the ward here is awesome and they will make me fat i just know it, but thats ok to me. the meal elder holmes and i made it was delicious. hope you enjoy the pictures and ill try to update more that i would love to see on the missionary blog!!
   ok to get to the letter, being a missionary is hard work. i dont care what anyone says it runs you in the ground. but i wouldnt trade it for anything. being this close to the spirit is the best thing someone could do with their lives and im already fearing being asked to take my tag off. one interesting experience that happened this week, i was knocking on a door and it was answered by a young girl, probably around the age of 7 or 8 who was just about completely naked.... yeah weird i tried to look at the ceiling and asked if her mom was home, she said yes and left from sight. i looked back at my comp and we both just made a "now what" face. when the mom finally appeared at the door she was joined by another girl she was at least 12 or so and she too was in nothing but half her underwear!!! what the heck?!?! what mother lets her young daughteres walk around pretty much naked, answering the door and standing in front of young men?! i kept stumbling over my words, eventually she said she wasnt interested and i was like "thank you!!!!". its a scary world we live in. but those weird experiences and hard times in 102 degree weather is a small price to pay to find the elect, who have been waiting to hear the gospel. WE NOW HAVE 4 BAPTISMAL DATES!!!!!! 2 of our investigators set a date sunday (10th). alden is 11 and such a stud. his date is for aug. 13th. and then the really cool experience came when a young woman in our ward invited her cousin to a Q&A night. he sat and listened and started asking questions. we taught him for the first time yesterday and elder HOlmes and I both felt the need to commit to baptism and he agreed excitedly. I love the gospel of jesus christ!!!! his name is Jamie and he is already an awesome investigator. i cant wait to continue teaching him and preparing him for baptism. one of our other baptismal dates moved his date again to even sooner! his name is ricky and he is just so excited we teach him and he remembers everything. he is also 11. again what an example to me that we all need to be that excited about the gospel. our other Bap. canidate is doing great as well. so if you could keep jamie, Alden, Ricky, and Randy in your prayers that would be much appriecated. i hope that you can get help with the roof dad wish i was there. tell mom that she is awesome and i love her, give her a kiss for me. i love you to dad. thank you for setting the example of what it means to honor your priesthood and always be worthy to use it. i cant tell you how thankful i am for that. tell chance that he better be careful im working out everyday now and im gaining weight so he best be ready for a throw down when i get home. i love you all. i know this gospel is true. i know that christ lived and died for each and everyone of us and he is waiting for us to come unto him and follow the path back to our father in heaven. i love my testimony and i love that it is constantly growing. the challanges in life will be for but a moment and if we endure it well we are promised eternal blessings. (Joseph smith is my hero). i love you all and untill next week, dont forget to go ova yonda an pick up ya scriptures and feast on the word. (imagine southern accent here)

Love the lords servant
Elder Linn
"God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid"

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